......revelations of one woman's reality of life, love, and all things hopeful...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Lately I've made a special point to notice one of my facebook friend's status updates. The first one that caught my eye read...

"I read somewhere that if you lick some one's elbow when they aren't looking, they can't feel it. My husband didn't believe it. I told him to close his eyes so he wouldn't see me lick his elbow, and then asked him if he had felt it. He was amazed and said 'No'. I hadn't licked his elbow. He now believes the story is true:)

Then she wrote this on her status...

Today, I was chatting with a friend who had a mirror behind her. She got up and I could see myself in the mirror. I waved to myself. I waved back:)

I finally asked her where she comes up with this stuff. She directed me to mylifeisaverage.com. If I were completely shameless, I would tell you that initially, I thought to myself My Life Is A Verage...hmmm...what is a 'verage'...??? Duh. Average. Not A Verage. But I do have my pride, so I will just keep that information to myself.

Anyway...you must check out My Life is Average. In a nutshell, this is a website where people submit short stories and anecdotes which describe the average and mundane events of their lives. It has just cracked me up at times.

My life feels average, too. Sometimes.

Like for the last 2 days, the remote for the television in the living room has been missing. I have turned the house upside down looking for it. Secretly, I love the fact that it's missing and I hope we don't find it for a while. Since the remote has gone missing in action, it seems that our one and only resident at TWH has been a little more productive. But that's just between you, dear reader, and me...right?;) The remote will turn up...someday...

Another average moment...this morning I let the boys, Barclay and Gilbert (my funny doggies), out of their pen so they could run and play. After about an hour had passed, I went outside to check on them. Barclay, the mischievous Spitz, was laying under a shade tree in the backyard, chewing on a tomato.

Now, I don't have a garden, but my neighbor does. I began to ponder how he got his paws on that tomato. Either A.) He picked it himself and took off like the bandit that he is, or B.) the little old southern lady had had enough of his help in her vegetable garden and threw the tomato at him...in that case, I know Barclay was happy to fetch the red ball for her, refusing, as usual, to return the ball to the throw-er. Either scenario is completely possible, and either way, Barclay got his dose of lycopene for the day, I suppose...

My life is average.

Not really.

My life is waaaaay better than average.

This morning I was walking on the treadmill. Just thinking.

Thinking about all I needed to do today. Thinking about how tomorrow I will be going to watch my nephews play in the All-Stars tournament. Thinking about how sweet those boys are. Thinking about how much I love all of my nieces and nephews. Thinking about how I wish that I lived closer to them and could see them more. Thinking about how exciting it was to know they are playing in the state tournament. Thinking about how much I really, really, hope they win. Thinking about how I really, really, really, really hope that I don't jinx them (I haven't been to many games this season...). Thinking how I can't wait to hug and kiss them like a crazy old aunt.

Before I knew it, I was crying!!! What in the world!!! Right there in BodyVision, on the treadmill, at 6 o'clock in the morning!!!!

How cool is that, I ask you!!! What a good life...my biggest worry is whether or not I will jinx my nephews' baseball game!

Of course, I'm concerned about healthcare reform and the ongoing socialism-a-zation of the United States. Yes, I'm afraid things are going to get bad in the country. Of course, I often wonder if I will get cancer...again...

But these things can't consume me nor my thinking. I would rather think on the blessings of baseball, and family, and friends, and the Giver of all good things.

Thank you, Jesus, for the abundant life and peace of mind that You give!

Monday, July 20, 2009

he asked You for life...

Psalm 21
1. Lord, the king finds joy in Your strength. How greatly he rejoices in Your victory!
2. You have given him his heart's desire and have not denied the request of his lips.
3. For you meet him with rich blessings; You place a crown of pure gold on his head.
4. He asked You for life, and You gave it to him-
length of days forever and ever.
5. His glory is great through Your victory; You confer majesty and splendor on him.
6. You give him blessings forever; You cheer him with joy in Your presence.
7. For the king relies on the Lord; through the faithful love of the Most High, he is not shaken.

I wish that I were a Bible scholar and knew exactly the string of events that prompted King David to write these words. Did he write this psalm while reminiscing over his encounter with the late-great-giant? Perhaps he wrote it while exhaling in God's forgiveness...so relieved that the Lord granted mercy once again? Perhaps he was celebrating after his season of grief following the death of his friend or even his own son. I don't know, but maybe it doesn't matter anyway, right?

The fact is, David had asked God for life, and God gave it to him.

He knew he was blessed.

David knew joy and cheer simply from being in relationship with God.

Surely David knew that any kingly majesty and splendor donned upon himself was only because God willed it with His own power.

He relied on the Lord and the unfailing love of the Most High.

"He asked You for life, and you gave it to him..." That verse just blows me away!

It reminds me of John 10:10....grab your Bible and look it up!

Being surrounded by bad news, sickness, disappointment, and seemingly hopeless situations, this psalm tells me how to have an abundant life...count my blessings, savor my relationship with Christ, trust God's will, rely on God's love, ask for the life he wants for me!

I don't expect a windfall, but I am confident that my needs shall be met. I don't expect my frustrations to disappear, but I am confident that my joy shall be complete. And that's good to know.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mission New Orleans

It's been a very, very busy summer for me lately...last week being no exception. I went to New Orleans with 52 other people from my church. There we were involved in various volunteer community services projects. Our group was divided into 4 groups including a construction crew, sports camp, kids day camp, and puppet ministry. I don't have very many pictures....there wasn't a lot of time for photography!

I was on the construction crew...scary thought, right? We worked on rebuilding the sanctuary at Gentilly Baptist Church.

Gentilly Baptist currently meets in their gym every Sunday and continues to minister to their community. They have a goal of being back in their sanctuary in August...not too far away!
Mr. Jimmy Traylor was our crew leader. He is a very kind and patient man. And I mean patient! I asked him a question or two during the week! Below is our pastor, Jeff Mann, sanding the trim on the sound booth that we constructed. My pal Kim Galloway and I actually cut, hung, finished, and painted the sheet rock for this! Who knew....but, in the words of Mr. Keith "you can't mess up sheet rock..." I believe it!

H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Prepare for Eternity) Puppet Ministries is a group of adults and teens from our church who write and perform puppet shows to share the good news of Jesus Christ. These are not your ordinary hand puppets, I tell ya! I think they performed 3 to 4 shows per day in New Orleans at churches, parks, a juvenile detention facility, and children's hospitals.

The drama team performed the "Everything" drama at the end of each puppet show. It is very, very moving portrayal of the negative things life has to offer as it relates to the life and relationship Jesus offers. Their performance gives me chills everytime I watch! Love it!!!

On our last night in New Orleans, the entire group went to dinner at a Cajun restaraunte called Mulate's. They had live cajun music and a dance floor. Our youth entertained us all with their "Celebration Dance". We have the best group of kids! They worked soooooooo hard all week and you never heard a negative word from them.

Here is a picture of a light pole in the courtyard of our hotel. Our group all happened to be standing behind it, so someone snapped a picture. Duh.