......revelations of one woman's reality of life, love, and all things hopeful...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I never write about my good friend and boss, Alice.

She went and made me mad today, so I must vent.

It's the day before my birthday...the big THREE-FIVE, and I was weepy about it.

Don't ask why. I just was.

Alice, who is the big TWO-NINE, says to me, "Well, at least you're not fifty-three."

It will be your turn soon enough, Alice.

I then told my boss to shut up.

Not nice.

Really, that was not smart.

She did not write me up. Thank heavens she has a sense of humor.

To celebrate, I will write 35 reasons I'm thankful in my 35th year...

1. I will be 3 years cancer-free! Yipee!
2. I have almost no gray hairs....thanks to my good and beautician friend Quetta
3. My car is paid-for!
4. I have a job I love....most days.
5. All my senses are fully functioning...sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing.
6. I can read and write.
7. Music. I'm so thankful for music.
8. I have cute dogs.
9. I have cute nieces and nephews.
10. I have a lot of cute shoes and purses.
11. Hey, I'm cute.
12. I had 32 years with a Mom who loved me.
13. I've still got a dad who loves me.
14. Big Brother. He takes care of me.
15. I have a good memory.
16. I have a fantastic church.
17. My mattress is sooooo comfortable.
18. Our pantry is full.
19. Our deep-freeze is full.
20. I think my acne-days are over.
21. I have good teeth. There's nothing like a problem-grill!
22. People actually read my blog.
23. I'm a GRIT (aka Girl Raised In the South)...the best place on earth.
24. I will run (or at least run/walk) the Turkey Trot in November....everybody keep your fingers crossed on that one!
25. I have a personal Mouse Wrestler...everyone should review that post just for fun!
26. I have a great pair of running/walking shoes.
27. Chocolate. Enough said.
28. Grace
29. Mercy
30. Forgiveness
31. Spiritual blessings
32. Eternal Security
33. The WAY
34. The TRUTH
35. The LIFE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!