......revelations of one woman's reality of life, love, and all things hopeful...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Update:)

I thought when I moved to Kentucky that I would have lots of blog material.


Well, not exactly wrong....it's just that I've just not had any major emotional epiphanies since I moved, and whenever I start to write a new post, it just seems sooooo boring! On the flip-side, as my relationship with sweet TT progressed to engagement (and now less than 2 months til marriage), I've had some very special revelations that I'm just not ready to reveal here! Perhaps you, dear reader, are thanking me for keeping those thoughts to myself:)

This "blog for today," to quote my good friend BamaSlammer who I miss soooo much, will be merely a random update on my new life in Kentucky...an only slightly-organized blogging stream of consciousness of a woman making a conscious effort to resist the urge to become a BRIDEZILLA:)

First of all...yes, work is going good. It's been an adjustment to get back into the long-term-care-setting swing of things. It's still as dysfunctional as it was the first 9 years of my career. Not much changed during my 2 years away:) My caseload has been plentiful (which is good). For the first time in my career I am working side-by-side with another speech pathologist. I have usually been the only one in the facility, so this is a pleasant change for me. Kissten, the other SLP, is a very sweet girl, and I have learned a lot of things from her! I work with some really intelligent and sweet therapists...they have been quite welcoming. I'm having a more difficult time establishing good working relationships with the nursing floor staff for some reason....It'll get better...The floors in the facility are sooooo hard, and as a result, I'm having a terrible time with pain in my heel. UGH.

The Wedding. I've become and expert at internet shopping. I've had a lot of help from some girls back home. My dress isn't here yet...but it should be in early May. June 12, 2010 cannot get here fast enough! The reception should be yummy. The ceremony will be beautiful! I'm so happy. We're going home to Tuscumbia the first weekend in May for a Tool & Gadget Party hosted by TT's cousin Anita and a Bridal Shower from his home church, Mt. Moriah Baptist. I have a wonderful family, and now I am honored with the blessing of marrying into another fantastic family. I will be going home to DeKalb County the 3rd weekend in May for my GIRLFRIEND PARTY, hair-practice, and bridal pictures. Both TT and I will go to DeKalb County (and maybe to Tuscumbia too) the 4th weekend in May. It's about to get soooo busy!

I've discovered a few new favorite-things....sort-of like Oprah's list of favorite things, except I don't really care for Oprah and that my favorite things can usually be found at WalMart or Kroger.

#1: CoffeeMate Creamer in "Coconut Cream" flavor...my step-mother Kathy turned me on to this one. It's DEEE-Lish! I can only find it at WalMart.

#2. Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers. Yum. Not your typical microwave meals. 6 Weight-Watcher points if you are counting. I've been counting since TT has been counting:)

#3. Jet-Dry for my dishwasher. My duplex has a high-fah-lootin dispenser for Jet-Dry. Wow...it really makes a difference in how clean the dishes are!

#4. The BP station on Main Street in Stanford, KY where I work. They pump your gas and their prices aren't higher than the next fellow's. That's what I'm talking about!!!

I told you it was gonna be random this time....

Until next time!

The Non-Bridezilla:)


Anonymous said...

Great to see you blogging again! Glad you are so happy!

Anonymous said...

Love reading your thoughts, been missing that and now most of all congratulations on a wonderful life in Kentucky with TT

Anonymous said...

Please be a Bridezilla that i sone of my fav shows!!!!! I Miss you too but cant wait to see you walk down the isle. I know what you mean aboyt blogging... either I am to busy or uninspired! love you Bamaslammer