Psalm 21
1. Lord, the king finds joy in Your strength. How greatly he rejoices in Your victory!
2. You have given him his heart's desire and have not denied the request of his lips.
3. For you meet him with rich blessings; You place a crown of pure gold on his head.
4. He asked You for life, and You gave it to him-
length of days forever and ever.
5. His glory is great through Your victory; You confer majesty and splendor on him.
6. You give him blessings forever; You cheer him with joy in Your presence.
7. For the king relies on the Lord; through the faithful love of the Most High, he is not shaken.
I wish that I were a Bible scholar and knew exactly the string of events that prompted King David to write these words. Did he write this psalm while reminiscing over his encounter with the late-great-giant? Perhaps he wrote it while exhaling in God's forgiveness...so relieved that the Lord granted mercy once again? Perhaps he was celebrating after his season of grief following the death of his friend or even his own son. I don't know, but maybe it doesn't matter anyway, right?
The fact is, David had asked God for life, and God gave it to him.
He knew he was blessed.
David knew joy and cheer simply from being in relationship with God.
Surely David knew that any kingly majesty and splendor donned upon himself was only because God willed it with His own power.
He relied on the Lord and the unfailing love of the Most High.
"He asked You for life, and you gave it to him..." That verse just blows me away!
It reminds me of John 10:10....grab your Bible and look it up!
Being surrounded by bad news, sickness, disappointment, and seemingly hopeless situations, this psalm tells me how to have an abundant life...count my blessings, savor my relationship with Christ, trust God's will, rely on God's love, ask for the life he wants for me!
I don't expect a windfall, but I am confident that my needs shall be met. I don't expect my frustrations to disappear, but I am confident that my joy shall be complete. And that's good to know.
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