I got a call on my cell phone at work.
This might be IT.
I had only known about this baby for about 6 weeks, and now it seemed he was on his way.
Thumpty-thump-thumpty-thump-thumpty-thump! It seemed I could literally hear my heart beating inside my head.
Oh the excitement. I couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to grab my purse and keys and SCRAM from my workplace as quickly as I knew how.
I stopped myself.
Get a'hold of yourself. This could all blow up. Dial it down a notch or two.
So I didn't leave work. I finished the day.
Fastforward to 10 p.m.
She's at the hospital.
Oh my goodness. Are they admitting her? She doesn't know for sure yet.
I get my bags all packed. Just in case....
Of course, I've had the bag packed for a couple of weeks now. You know, the one with the few teeny-tiny clothes, diapers, and bottles we had allowed ourselves to purchase. You know....just in case everything worked out the way he hoped it would.
I tell TT to go ahead and go to bed. He needed to sleep in case he had to make a long road trip in the middle of the night.
My phone rings again. This is it. They're keeping her. Oh my goodness!
I got the kitchen cleaned up.
I gathered up all the trash.
I emptied all the perishables from the refrigerator.
I can't sleep!
2 A.M.
Wake up, TT. You're about to be a Daddy.
One last status update on Facebook...."Road trip!"
3 A.M.
We're filling the tank and headed south.
6 A.M.
I get a text with a pic. Oh my goodness. This is real!
The phone rings. I answer. I hear the most precious set of lungs....whaling like a little newborn lamb!
Somewhere around noon, September 2, 201o, I laid my eyes upon the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...my Mark Tallen.
Life changed!
That was ten months ago. Everyday has been just as sweet.
Some moments have been flooded with exhaustion, but somehow, rest always came.
Some moments were for a time for learning to make the best guess....errrr....decision.... I could, then moving on.
Some moments have been for stretching....stretching my patience, stretching my faith, stretching my love. Yes, I stretched, but never to the point of breaking.
I've learned about the love of a child and the love of a parent. I've learned the unconditional love of a spouse. I've known the love of God in a whole new, indescribable way.
In ten months, I've learned that it really doesn't matter if my hair always looks good. I try, but somedays....well...
In ten months, I've learned that 'work drama' is so petty. People....let's just get the job done right so I can get home!
In ten months, I've learned my husband truly is the man I had hoped I was marrying on my wedding day. What a great Daddy! So committed to family and willing to do whatever it takes!
In ten months, I've learned what it is for someone to be Prolife, and I thank God for her daily. I pray for her that she finds Peace in her life.
In ten months, I've dreamed more about someone else's future than I have about my own. I see big, big, big things to come!
Thank you, Lord Jesus!