There are certain skills that every girl should have to be able to make it the world. I should know... I didn't achieve 35 and single without certain skills. Of course, there are the obvious and traditional skills ....sewing on of buttons, baking of chocolate cakes, do-it-yourself mani's and pedi's, finding steals on the clearance racks, completely making over a room in your house with a little paint.
Some skills are not traditionally "girly," yet they're equally necessary...perhaps even more necessary. Skills which should be developed, if not mastered....checking of the oil in your car, testing of the tire pressure, walking away from a car salesman when he won't accept your offer, recognizing a slick mechanic who says you need new tires, using drywall anchors to hang heavy pictures on your walls, this list could go on and on and on...
I developed a new skill this week. I started a small bonfire. Well...I helped to start a small bonfire. On Saturday evening I visited with my good friend and general partner-in-crime Alice at her house where she had recently constructed the neatest little firepit in her back yard.
Neither of us had ever attempted the task of igniting a small bonfire, but we were determined despite the fine mist of humidity that was falling all around us. We stacked the logs and used various and intentionally un-named objects for kindling, and before we knew it the fire began to pop and crackle! How Cool!
We sat around the fire and enjoyed roasted hotdogs, baked apples, and yes, you guessed it...smores:) Yum....
Conversation was good around the bonfire too, but I could never divulge our girly-secrets. Perhaps we have the fire-building skills of a guy, but we're definitely still girls:)
I really hope ya'll had a burn permit for that!!!...LOL....Now if you can just figure out how to jiggle the handle to make the toilet quit running!! Luv Ya Cuz!
Believe it or not, i have had my arm past my elbo in the tank of a toilet more than once when I had my townhouse! I've got skills, i tell ya!
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