Saturday, May 30, 2009
I haven't quit...
I haven't updated my blog in two weeks, so I thought I would take this opportunity to put in a shameless plug. Well, it's not shameless, not exactly.
I have BBQ Plate tickets for sale for the Rainsville Freedom Festival which will be Sunday evening, June 28, 2009. They are $6. The Freedom Festival is in the city park...packed with live music, stuff of the kiddos, food, and a huge firework finale. You don't want to miss it.
Also, I am on the committee to organize the First Annual "Freedom Fun Run/Walk" 5K Road Race. It will be held on Saturday, June 27 @ 8 a.m. beginning and finishing at Broadway Baptist Church in Rainsville. I need all my friends and family to participate! You will get a GREAT T-SHIRT and race bag with goodies, food, exercise, and FUN! You can download the REGISTRATION FORM HERE. Runners, joggers, walkers, and strollers are encouraged to participate!
This is my blog for today....;) bamaslammer...
Hoping and praying that some inspiration will fall down, or bubble up, or something....soon!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
nifty! nifty! Look who's...WHAT'THA???
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I Like Skype!

How else could I talk to my former exchange student from Germany today, for 24 minutes, face-to-face, for FREE!!!
The whole web-cam concept is a tad creepy, though isn't it? It's like my image (and voice) is captured in real time, transmitted via a wire into the wall of my house, and within mere seconds lands on a computer screen in Germany! GET OUTTA HERE!!! FAR OUT!!!
I totally DIG IT, though! Don't you?
For anyone who might remember Alina...she seems to be doing great. She has her own "flat" near the "university". She stays there during the week and travels a short distance back to her mother's home on the weekend. She has about a year left of learning at the university before she will have her Bachelor's....the she plans to get her Master's. From what I can decipher, her degree is in communications/marketing/business....something of that nature.
She has a boyfriend, Chris. He is 31, but according to Alina, he doesn't look or act that old. They met at the restaurant where she works as a waitress and he worked as a bartender. He has since finished college and has moved a distance away, so she only gets to see him on the weekends.
When Alina lived with me, she was just dying to get her driver's license. See, in Germany, one is not eligible for a driver's license until age 18. Even then, it is very expensive, and I think you must take an actual driving course prior to being issued the license (perhaps that's one lesson we could learn from our German brothers and sisters, no?).
So today, I asked Alina if she ever got a car. She just cracked up, I tell ya! Yes, Alina does have a car. Her grandmother passed away a couple of years ago, so Alina inherited her car. Evidently, the car is a most unattractive and memorable shade of blue as Alina told me that everybody recognizes her blue car. She proceeded to draw me a picture of the car and held it up in front of her webcam so I could see looked like a tiny VW or something. She said it's very small, unlike American cars, and that her head touches the ceiling! She just laughed and laughed, but also said the car was just fine for her.
Oh, meeeee..... that girl is something else.
I like Skype.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Queen Mum, lend me your ear...
If I complain about the Queen of England, will HE come visit me? That would be a dream come true, no? That Prince William--he's a cutie! That's fo' sho'!!!
Perhaps I should gripe about the time I was sick on my 30th birthday. My good friend Gequetta and I had concerts tickets to see Him (if you can believe that--- but it's true, I promise!), but I was too sick to go. If I whine loud enough, maybe he would come for a visit, or at least refund my ticket price! That would come in handy about now!
Quetta and I also went to see HIM, but he looked more like THIS. Now, that was a fantastic concert, it was! No complaints whatsoever! I've loved him since the 8th grade, and I will always will!
Another time, we saw Him in concert with Him. At first I wasn't looking forward to seeing the old guy, but he turned out to be fabulous! Braids and all!
Now here's something I'll complain about...I've never, ever heard this arrangement! Who's been holding out on me! I mean, seriously! I'm pitchin' a fit. Kicking and screaming because this is not on my ipod! you hear me crying? Seriously...if the Queen Mum can send her grandson, perhaps you could at least send Richie with an autographed pic, right?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
-President George H.W. Bush
I do like broccoli. I like it better cooked than raw, but I do like it nonetheless. But after reading THIS, I think perhaps the former president was on to something...:)
Ollie Ollie Rooster...
You know life is good in small town America when your 11 year old nephew is throwing strikes from the pitcher's mound. When it was our turn to bat, these guys in blue chanted from the dugout...
Somehow, it did make sense. Little boys and baseball, chanting rhythimically in echo of a single high-pitched leader on the team, seemingly with not a care in the world.
I wonder what these little guys will encounter in their lifetimes. Perhaps they will create new forms of technology. Maybe they will travel at unheard-of speed.
What if they fight for my freedom.
Or heal our diseases...
Or spread the Gospel...
Or become the next "greatest generation"...
I sure hope so, don't you?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
indescribable timing...
Band practice at church.
I just love it.
I am fortunate to be a singer with an awesome group of people. I feel out of my league most of the time, but still, I look forward to practice. Easily every musician in the group could be working professionally in Nashville or on Broadway, but I am so thankful they choose to use their talents for God here at home. They are incredibly talented, yet equally humble.
Band practice is just plain fun for me. Tonight, for example, we got so tickled about something during practice that I wet my pants just a little bit. Sorry people...I know that's a lot of personal information, but it happens to everybody sometimes. I soooo needed a good hard laugh. It was wonderful.
Here's something even more wonderful that happened tonight. God showed up. Now, don't get me wrong. I know He's everywhere, always. I know He created everything and it's through Him that we live and breathe. Sometimes, however, I believe that God just loves us so much that He would bless us with His presence in an unmistakable and rather humorous way.
We were working on the Chris Tomlin song Indescribable. I had a brilliant idea after we sang the second verse which begins with the lines "Who has told every lightening bolt where it should go?" I look over at David, one of the fantastic keyboardists, and ask if he can make a thunder-sound with his key board. "Yes," he said as he began to press buttons.
"When we sing the part about lightening in the second verse, you should make it thunder really loud," I said.
David began to experiment with the "thunder" on the keyboard as we all ooh'd and aaah'd. We started the second verse again, and David "thundered" at the perfect time. It was so loud and deep that the walls of the sanctuary seemed to rattle. We all had chills, I tell ya.
We stopped singing for a minute. David tried to replicate the sound, but could not do so. "I don't think that was me," he said.
In a few minutes, we heard another huge crash of thunder as the rain came pouring down outside. It was almost like God said to us, you want thunder, I'll give you thunder! You could never imitate ME with your little keyboard!
I just love it! What perfect timing God has. The thunder came almost on cue and it was so beautiful it gave me chills. Perfect, perfect timing it was!
I think of the occasions in scripture when it seemed God demonstrated His perfect timing. Countless times with the Hebrews with the Exodus. What about Jesus' first miracle in turning the water into wine? The raising of Lazarus? Raising of Jesus from the dead on the 3rd day just as was prophesied?
That comforts me when I worry...God will work it (no matter what it is) at the most perfect time.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
As soap is for the body...
After Brother Jeff's message tonight, I felt compelled to go to the alter at the close of the service. His message was not particularly stirring or convicting tonight, but I just had some things I needed to pray about. As I knelt, I saw the most beautiful thing...tear-stains on the alter.
The tear-stains were most striking to me. There weren't just one or two. There were many, many. Big, cloudy water spots sprinkled the hardwood steps leading up to the stage in the sanctuary of the church.
If only they could speak audibly, surely these tear-stains would tell of why they fell on the alter. They are the fossils of souls being cleansed, sins forgiven, and sacrifices offered. They are evidence of God meeting with man, again and again. Some of the tear-stains must memorialize some one's grief. Some flowed from conviction, and others flowed from physical illness. Of course, some tears flowed from thanksgiving and utter joy. All of the tears that stained the alter, however, streamed from hearts stirred and hungry to commune with The One and Only, the very Creator of emotion itself, Jesus Christ.
I used to hate to cry. I'm an ugly cryer, if you know what I mean. I turn red. My eyes swell up.
I don't mind crying anymore.
Tears are a special part of being human.
Tears are temporary, so we better enjoy them while we can.
"...And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away..."