......revelations of one woman's reality of life, love, and all things hopeful...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Someone's Something's Been Walking in My Snow

I was pondering today about whether Kentucky is a Southern state or not. Given the fact that I have lived here for almost exactly one month and I have seen more snow than dry ground, I'm beginning to believe that Kentucky is NOT a Southern state.

The latest winter weather event began around 5:30 PM on Friday and lasted until about Noon Saturday. In the highest drifts, accumulations were knee-deep on me. I feel safe to say that Somerset, KY received at least 8 inches of snow!

I tried to build a snowman, but the snow was so dry and powdery that it just would not stick together. Yes, TT and I had a snow-fight. Yes, I won. Yes, I did make a little Snowcream, and no, I did not use the yellow snow that the neighborhood animals may have left for us!

Speaking of animals, I decided to go out to the backyard a little while ago, and I discovered the most strange tracks in the snow. I took some pics, but they are difficult to see in the photographs. They definitely were not human footprints. Does anybody have an educated guess as to what creature has been walking in my snow???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
