I'm hovering at around 13 pounds lost since Labor Day. Slow and steady....
The pictures above are the post-it notes on my bathroom mirror. 2 Peter 1:5-8 has been the passage that Bro Jeff has taught in Bible study on Wednesday nights for the last several weeks. It has been a mind-transforming thing to focus on memorizing this scripture...especially the parts about self-control and endurance which must surely be key in putting to death any sin or stronghold in your/my life. The other "3" is "a whole 'nother story" that perhaps I will write about later. Having the reminders visible are very helpful to me in my journey to Slim-Fast!
Still drinking the black coffee. And water.
Still walking. Up to about 2.5 miles per day.
Still drinking my herb-drink from the Herb Shop in Rainsville. Also started a detox program with products from the herb shop. Whoa-Nellie! That's some powerful stuff but I will spare you the details! Just know I can see and feel a difference in my body.
We still have 2 girls (Maggie and Erica) and 1 baby (Amy) in the house. Maggie and Amy will be leaving us Saturday. Our executive director, Alice, is working on the application for 2 other girls, so perhaps we will have 2 other girls soon.
I spent last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Nashville/Franklin, TN at a convention to get my annual required continuing education credits for speech therapy. I'm not working anywhere right now as a speech therapist, but I am keeping my license current so that I can practice at any time. It was a good conference (as far as conferences go, I suppose) but it confirmed to me that I am currently doing what I am supposed to be doing.
That's the latest...
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