......revelations of one woman's reality of life, love, and all things hopeful...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Toot-Tooting my own horn!!!

"They" say, researchers and scientists, that is, that you can fight off Alzheimer's and dementia by keeping mentally active. Supposedly, it's a good thing to always be learning new things.

Well, I just learned two new things, and I must toot-toot-toot my own horn! I know very little about anything in this world, especially computers, so when I figure something out, I'm really proud of myself!!!

First of all, I figured out how to do the little "scratch out" (as I call it) that I often seen on more fancy sophisticated blogs. You can use this tool in various ways. My favorite is when you want to say something that is true but mean and hateful politically incorrect and you need to be sarcastic funny about it so you won't chap someone's end offend someone. That's the perfect time to use the "scratch out".

The next thing I learned is a more savvy way to include links to other websites. For example, in my previous posts, I might have described a news story that I read on Foxnews.com. I would say... "click here to read the full story: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,459564,00.html." Now, that doesn't look too purty professional, does it? Now, I can just say "read the FULL STORY HERE." All you have to do then is click on "full story here".

Isn't that neat? I love it!

Let's practice....shall we?

If you want to see a walrus named Sara play the saxophone just like better than Bill Clinton, click HERE.

If you are in the mood to watch dogs dance to the tunes of Rod Stewart and Aerosmith, hop right on over to HERE. This really isn't my favorite one, so feel free to skip it!

Finally, if you really want to be thankful your not from Britain proud you are an Alabamian, you just might be interested in WATCHING THIS.


I love this stuff.

I'll try not to overdo it, okay?

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