Friday, January 30, 2009
Good Idea, BamaSlammer!
1. I have never had a cavity.
2. I have never been to Disney World, which is okay with me because I hate crowds.
3. I only buy white toilet paper if I can help it.
4. I love to use white bath towels.
5. Sometimes I love to fill the kitchen sink up with hot water and Lemon Pine Sol...It's like I can't get enough of that smell.
6. I have tried a zillion times to make cornbread, but it never turns out right.
7. I could eat Chinese food every day, but unfortunately it makes my fingers swell, so I try not to eat it but once a month.
8. I like to blog because I can talk about myself without feeling guilty...nobody is forced to read it.
9. I feel guilty because my dogs need baths.
10. I'm trying to read the Bible cover-to-cover in 2009.
11. I collect loose gemstones.
12. I want to have an essay published in a magazine some day.
13. I wouldn't mind packing my bags and moving to Brooklyn, NY. My first stop would be choir practice at the Brooklyn Tabernacle (check out the video below!). I hope they would let me sing alto...that's the part I sing in my car when I sing along with all my BTC CDs!
14. When I make a pot of coffee, sometimes I drink from that pot for 2 or 3 days...just pop a cup in the microwave and there you go! It's better the 2nd day to me!
15. My car is always messy.
16. I won't stop at a gas station that does not have Pay at the Pump.
17. I sell Mary Kay just so I can get my makeup at cost. Let me know if you need something...friends and family gets a good deal!
18. Aunt Kathy and I nearly lost our lives in the ocean at Destin one time.
19. I can play the piano a little bit, but I'm very out of practice.
20. I've tried to learn to play the guitar, but it just won't happen.
21. Sometimes when I am in WalMart, I want to hit people.
22. I have way too many purses and earrings.
23. I have a secret dream of being a back-singer for a country music star...think Dolly, Alan Jackson, or George Strait!
24. I used to wear my seatbelt all the time. Then I got out of the habit. Now I'm trying to train myself back into the habit.
25. I'm planning to walk in the Throbbing Heart 5K at Goosepond next Saturday. This is a benefit for the American Heart Association.
...pretty random...
Now, consider yourself "tagged". Please leave a comment with at least one random thing about yourself!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Netty Pot Chronicle
I've been
...until last night.
My sinuses have been stopped up, my throat has been sore, and I feel myself going downhill with a winter cold really fast. I'm on a quest for better health with less drugs and medication, so I decided to bite the bullet and drag out the Netty Pot. It can't hurt anything to try, right? Maybe it will help save me a trip to the doctor, no?
Well, I did it. It was an experience, I tell ya, but the Netty Pot was not too terribly disturbing. I really could feel my head/sinuses "open up" after using the Netty Pot. I did it again this morning, and I just might go for one more dose before bed.
What in the world is a Netty Pot? you ask.
I don't think I can write an accurate description.
I would never dare video myself.
I love youtube, you know, so of course I found
I plan to continue the Netty Pot for a while...will give you and update in a few weeks. So don't go rushing out to your local Walgreen's quite yet.
I repeat...this video is not for the squeemish...if you have a weak stomach, back away now. Nobody will ever know...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
We call that 'The Big-Head'
Usually, that is.
I intended this morning to be one of those days. In fact, I decided that today, some of the girls were going to learn to make yummy biscuits too...Whether they liked it or not. Last time's guest-writer, Arabian, was up for it. She peeked over my shoulder. "What's that?....Why you do that?...How much of that you supposed to use?" she questioned.
Oooo, she thinks I'm cool... the sing-song voice in my head delighted as we cut those biscuits out.
I knew I was in trouble when the first two biscuits I cut completely stuck to the cutter like mush. What-the...? What went wrong?
Well, the biscuits turned out okay, but not GREAT. They just didn't fluff up enough, and they were a little dough-ey. They were edible, and nobody complained.
"I'm sorry the biscuits didn't turn out so beautiful. Better luck next time...," I said to them at the breakfast table.
Arabian says to me, kidding of course, "Yea, and you were in there trying to teach me how to make them!"
"You know what the Bible says about that, don't you?" I asked Arabian.
"No, what?"
"Pride goes before a fall..." I said.
"What that mean?"
"You know, like if somebody thinks they're all great and wonderful, they had better watch out."
"We call that 'The Big-Head'" Arabian said.
Well said, Arabian.
I hate when I get 'The Big-Head'.
Whenever I encounter trouble in my life, I can usually trace it back to pride. Unforgiveness of others is rooted in pride. Financial problems are usually rooted in pride. Unconfessed sin is pride. For me, even depression is usually rooted in pride...the self-pity, self-centeredness, and lack of God-focus of it's all pride.
When we are consumed with pride, how silly we must look to Him. He must be saying, "Life would be so simple for them if they would only do what I have told them...forgive their neighbors...give and not covet...confess and repent... seek I AM rather than themselves. But if they insist in pride, they will continue to have these falls again and again..."
"Humble yourselves therefore under God's almighty hand, and in due time, He will lift you up." I Peter 5:6
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Guest Writer...Meet Arabian!
Tonight I would like to welcome a guest writer to Read My Thoughts. Meet my friend, Arabian....I hope you will enjoy her story of a good day...Theia
Monday, January 19, 2009
Awww! A Great Farewell!!!
She had a FANTASTIC POST today regarding President Bush's final flight back to Texas. Check it out!!!
You're a good man, George W.
He's been criticized for many things in the last 8 years. As imperfect as he is, as we all are, I still believe in my heart that he's a good man. Certainly I am learning in my own life that quite often, when a person tries to do the right thing, especially when the right thing is difficult, he will attract much criticism....
President Bush stuttered and stumbled through many speeches, but at least once, I remember when he spoke most clearly with a spark in his likely will not find this on YouTube...
"I recognize that in the eyes of [the] Almighty, I am a lowly sinner, and I ask for strength and wisdom and I pray for calmness when the seas are storming, and I pray for others. I pray a lot for families who have lost a life. I went to Walter Reed [Army Medical Center], was struck by the braveness--bravery of our soldiers, and kind of got a quiet moment afterwards and prayed for them and their families.
The other thing about America that is amazing is a lot of people pray for me. Little old me. Seriously. And it's a powerful thought when you think about it. I'm not so sure how you translate that into would I behave differently or not, but it gives me strength and humility, to think others would take time to pray for me.
You know, my faith is an integral part of being who I am, and I'm not going to change." --George W. Bush [September 2003 in a FOX news interview with Brit Hume]
You've done a good job, President Bush, in an era like no other. Be proud of yourself. Enjoy your retirement. Enjoy your family. I will miss you....probably more than I even know right now...
Friday, January 16, 2009
I know I didn't do this.
Nope. No way. No sir-ree-bob.
Not me.
Never, ever.
Here's what didn't happen the other night.
I actually was in my room doing my new Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout dvd. The girls were going in and out of the pantry just outside my door, peek in at me, pop a cookie in their mouths, and walk away. (Note to self: It's HUGE MISTAKE #1 to do an exercise video with your bedroom door open for teenagers to watch at their discretion.)
In walks Arabian, our truth-teller girl, the call-it-like-you-see-it gal, the straight-shooter-sister. Arabian looks at the tv then looks at me. She looks back at the tv then back at me. "You doin'at?" she says in disbelief.
Here's where the unbelievable didn't really take place...
"Yea, girl. Get in here and do it with me!" Oooo, I'm good! (Another note to self if, of course, this had in fact really happened: Pride goes before a fall).
Then, I know Arabian didn't look over at my coffee table to nose around. And I know that she didn't spy my last piece of dark Christmas chocolate. "What's dat?" she definitely did not say.
If I had really been doing the Boot Camp dvd, Bob the Trainer would have been having me do the HOOK/UPPER-CUT boxing move right at that moment.
I swear, I did not say "Come here Arabian."
She did not walk closer to me, and I did not say "I need a punching bag" as I practiced the HOOK/UPPER-CUT in the air with all my might.
Arabian then DID NOT scurry her pregnant belly out of my room.
Nope. Not me.
I would never threaten a pregnant lady with a stiff HOOK/UPPER-CUT.
Now, where's my food diary and how many calories are in dark chocolate???
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's time to bite the bullet...

I have officially hit the dreaded plateau on my journey to better health and weight loss, and I know what I must do next. And, yes, I hate it.
In my whole life of yo-yo dieting, I have always rebelled when it comes to keeping a food diary. Weight Watchers. Nutritionists. Doctors. They all require it.
I don't know what my hang-up is with writing down everything I eat and drink. Perhaps it's because writing down what I eat feels a lot like looking at myself in a swimsuit under that hateful florescent lighting. It's just all out there, you can't hide it.
There's no hiding it when I write it down.
When I write it down, I know the truth.
When I know the truth and acknowledge the truth, I am sure the Truth will set me... know the rest...
For some reason, blogging about this junk feels like the first baby step in getting honest. All my favorite people hit this site now you know.
Telling the truth about my disdain for the food diary just makes me want to spit and stomp my feet. The thought of writing it all down makes me whine and groan. Childish, I know, but I will get over it...hopefully sooner than later.
In the words of my good friend BamaSlammer, "this is my blog for the day".
Monday, January 12, 2009
Should this give me hope?
I don't know if I should be hopeful or be utterly depressed!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I Rest My Case...
Recently I wrote a post about my issues with Santa.
Now, I want you to just look at this.
the end.
Ever heard of it? It's fun.
It requires 4 or 6 players to make a combination of 2 or 3 teams. It utilizes a big round board, marbles, and several decks of playing cards. Evidently it's been around a long time, but I've never heard of it.
Only 4.5 hours left til Joker Night gets started at Mickey & LaKala's house!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Can't wait!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
great about now. But I just don't have anything to offer.
All I can think of is how thankful I am for the many, many blessings in my life. I can't begin to name them all. I just want to weep over all of them. It makes me want to run to the ends to the earth to share them all.
It's one thing to know something, but it's a completely different story to understand. To witness it. To touch it. To be cut down to your very soul. To stand under it.
I have encountered people recently who have experienced devastation that is unthinkable to me, truly unspeakable. Yet they survive and even desire to thrive in life. One would never imagine the road they have walked by listening to their giggles, but if you look into their eyes, trying to see down to their hearts and souls, the wounds are evident. Raw.
I remember what I knew, the thing I thought I understood...behind every negative deed there is an unmet need, a gaping wound.
Then there's me. Blessed so much. Life has been imperfect, and I myself have been even more so imperfect, but the wonderful has far exceeded the negative.
I just don't get it...
Not at all.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why did God do that?
I guess I just decided that it was time for me to read the Bible. All of it.
I ran across the ONE YEAR Chronological Bible and decided to give it a shot. What's interesting about this particular publication of the Bible is that it not only breaks the scripture down day-by-day so that you can read the entire Word in a year, but it presents passages in chronological order.
Now to the question at hand....
In today's reading, God, in the process of making a covenant with Abram, instructed Abram to bring various creatures (heifer, goat, ram, turtledove, and pigeon). Abram presented the animals to God, killed them, and cut them (all but the birds) down the middle and laid the halves side by side.
Then, the Bible says "Some vultures swooped down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away."
What in the world? Why on earth did God include the part about the vultures swooping and Abram chasing them away?
This post is not a huge theological question about covenants and blood and etc., etc., etc. It's about why would that little tidbit of information be included.
Please know I'm not being critical. I know I'm dumb as dirt about most things, but that just struck me as so funny.
Imagine an old man, frustrated from chasing down a heifer, goat, and ram (and that does sound frustrating to me...), tired and likely nauseous from the killing...then completely irritated at these nasty ole vultures attempting to feast on all his hard work.
But what's the point of including the information about the vultures? I don't get it at all. Why did God do that?
Just like spiders. Why in the world did God create those?
Cockroaches? Same thing.
All I know is that He can write whatever He wants to write, and that His thoughts are not my thoughts.
Any ideas floating around out there about the swooping vultures? I would love an "ah-ha moment" right about now!
TWH Banquet set for Jan 17th
- A celebration of what God is doing through this ministry
- Fund-raising
- A time to recognize volunteers
- Promotion of awareness of TWH ministry.
Dinner, music, and Christian comedy entertainment will be provided.
I'm excited to say that some former residents, LeeAnn with Zay and Za'Marea & Maggie with Amy, are planning to attend. I can't wait to see all of them!Hope some of you can make it to the banquet!
I Ain't Never Won Nuttin'...
Well, "Wanda's" husband was in the pen (okay, people, lighten up...I know that's not nice, that's just how they quoted her on the show...and it was funny, okay?) and therefore unable to travel to California with her. "Wanda" asked if she could take her boyfriend, "Willie," instead. Well, as "Willie" came bounding out his trailer door, leaping from the front porch into the limo in a single bound, proudly wearing his Richard-Petty-cowboy-hat-with-feathers-on-the-front, he notified them all that he "ain't never been nowhere!!!" Of course, you can guess that his trip to California proved his declaration to be true as he landed himself in jail during the R&B give-away trip.
Well, I sort of feel a little Willie-like, except I ain't never won nuttin'!!!
Until now...
It seems that Deedra over at Down on the Farm has tagged me with an award!
Aww! Shucks, Deedra! You are so sweet!
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! This blog is exceedingly charming. This kind blogger aims to find and be friends. This blogger is not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to writers like this one and those nominated below!"
Ok, so it's my turn to hand out the prizes....and the winners are....drum roll please...
1. BamaSlammer. Shay is one of my oldest and dearest peeps who at least used to live in Florida, but she recently moved, perhaps to south Georgia, so I'm not exactly sure where she lives now! She's expecting her first baby soon! Her posts just make me laugh out loud! Love you, Shay!
2. Mary B over at Shorty PJs. Mary is a southern gal transplanted to The Big Apple. She's a childhood friend of my friend Linda (who is a character in more than one of my favorite posts), and her blog sparked my interest in the hobby of blogging. She is a published writer, and I feel hobby-bloggers like me can learn a lot from her. Good job, Mary!
Okay, BamaSlammer and MaryB, do with it what you will!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
How Tall Was Goliath?
She asked Bible trivia questions to the kids. The first to raise their hand and answer correctly got to open a present. Eventually, of course, they all were allowed to open a gift from their Mom and Dad, but I believe little Grayson was most happy to answer his question correctly.
Now, how tall was Goliath????
Friday, January 2, 2009
Serenity Prayer
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
Thursday, January 1, 2009
On the last stretch of my
He needs one of those things that Aunt Mitty used to have that you use to pick up pecans I thought to myself. Remember that had a box-like grabber at the bottom of a long pole. Wow. I haven't thought about that in a long, long time.
Then I thought about how MawMaw Chaffin always used to have brown grocery bags full of pecans...which I always assumed came from Aunt Mitty's house. I really have no idea it that's where the pecans came from or not, but when I was little that's what I assumed.
That led me to remember how amazed I used to be when MawMaw could hold two pecans in her hand and and crack them. I remember trying and trying to crack the pecans myself...but...tough luck. Sigh....
My next stop on memory lane was MawMaw's pecan pies. Oh my, my mouth is watering!
Hey!!! Wait a minute!!! Dad...what happened to that pecan pie that Aunt Marie sent home with you that you promised to bring to Brother's house for Christmas???? I think I need some to celebrate the New Year.
There's something wrong with this picture. I'm walking in
Stop the insanity!!!