11 more days 'til the beach!!! Yip-eee! We are planning to go on a little dolphin cruise at sunset one evening, but other than that, we have no plans. Just resting and doing whatever we want to do!
Jennifer Chitwood McCurdy came for a visit today with her sweet babies, Sam and Reese. What cutie-pies!!! Jen looks really good and seems very happy! I tried to take pictures, but my camera battery died! Ug! I need to invest in some rechargeables!
That's all I've got for today people!
Are Sam and Reese both girls? How old are they now?
Adrian, Sam is a boy, Reese a girl. I think almost 4 months now, but not positive. They are both cute little chunky babies!
Who did she marry??? I has puzzled me. Is it Bruce McCurdy. You know her cousin is Andrew Kilough she sent me a friend request I accepted and low and behold she has twins too a boy and a girl... There is a twin boom that is for sure. Shay
Shay, yes, she did marry Bruce. Little Reese is sometimes called "Brucina" because she looks just like her daddy!
Bamaslammer, be careful about all that "twin talk"!!!!
Girl, I know my first dr visit the dr said ok lets check the heartbeat to see if there is one or two... I thought it was a joke but they were serious. Then she said "Do you want to panic your fiancee?" you could tell him there are two heartbeats... I said I think he is panicked enough but thanks anyway...maybe another time. Shay
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