This one does not describe my life.
Not at all.
Add a line of people, shoulder-to-shoulder, down each side of the hall. That would describe my life.
My cousin Jay from Atlanta found me on FaceBook recently. We've been emailing a little bit, getting to know each other really. He has been living away for more than 25 years, so I really only see him sometimes at Christmas. So, he asked me some interesting questions....who are my friends?....what do I do for fun...where have I been?....am I dating anyone...lots of nice questions.
I was so thankful to be able to describe what a huge circle of friends I have in life. I have so many that I sometimes feel guilty. Many people feel that if they find one true friend in life, they are richly blessed. And that's true. But, I have so many true friends. Not necessarily the kind of friends you chat with on the phone daily, but the kind of friends you know will be there without hesitation when a life crisis comes along.
I want to be that friend to others. I don't know that I'm currently all that successful with that goal, but I'm working on it.
This graphic posted above came from www.postsecret.blogspot.com. This is an interesting blog where people create and post homemade postcards which reveal their secret in life. Some are touching, shocking, weird, and other are just plain funny. Check it out sometime.
That's all I've got for today, friend.
Until next time...
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