Maggie and I started a diet together today. (For any of you who don't know Maggie, she had a baby 4 weeks ago. It's 4 weeks ago today, to be exact.) We decided before the baby was born that we would start together after the baby was born.
So I went on vacation and she went home to south Alabama for a visit. Now we are back and are ready to get serious. Maggie came back with a can of Slim-fast. So, I thought, what the hay, I'll do Slim-Fast too.
She's so pumped and excited but I just can't seem to get there.
Unfortunately, I've been in somewhat of a spiritual slump of late and just can't quite seem to get out of it.
Slim-Fast. Let's dissect this.
Slim...that's good. Got it. I like the thought of Slim. There's a "Slim Jim" that I've used to unlock my car before. There are "Slim sizes" in jeans...never been there, I'm more of a "Husky" kid, myself! I had a cell phone once that was "slim design". Slim is good. We want to be slim and trim.
Fast. Hum.....
Now, is that "fast" as in quick or speedy? Or is that "fast" like in the Bible? I hope it's quick and speedy, but I suspect for my life, it's as in the Bible.
I have fasted, Biblically speaking, before. Last year when I was honored to be on the "Pastor Search Committee" at church, the committee committed to one day of prayer and fasting per week. It was an amazing experience. I found that I could have a new spiritual clarity when I answered His call to fasting. It wasn't like I skipped work or walked around in a ghostly trance all day....it was simply between the Lord and me. It was special, but I can't quite articulate why. I do feel that God honored our committee's days of prayer and fasting as He soon (quickly, speedily) gave us clear direction in who to call as Pastor.
I fasted another time (along with many other people) when my good friend's husband was in rehab for alcohol addiction. That fast was for intercession. Asking God to hear our prayer on another person's behalf.
I once felt burdened to fast for the ministry here at The Way Home. I tried 1 day a week for several weeks, but never even made it through lunch. I don't know what that was about, but I think maybe there was warfare in the Heavenlies that I knew nothing about.
I don't fully understand Biblical fasting, but I know there's something to it. I've experienced it.
Jesus did it.
The Bible tells us that some strongholds of the enemy are defeated only through prayer and fasting.
I'm interested to know your thoughts on fasting. What do you understand the Scriptures to say about fasting?
I'm interested to hear your comments weight loss or healthy living for that matter. As much as I appreciate it, dear friends, I'm not feeling up to "you're beautiful on the inside and the outside" comments. I need to know your ways of staying on track in eating with moderation, exercising even when you hate it, and steering clear of sugar, carbs, and fast food.
Thanks friends.
Oh, and one more thing.... I'm interested in your prayers, too! I love you all!
I love Slim Fast!!!! when I first discovered I was pregnant I started drinking Ensure because I just couldnt stand the thought of breakfast. Then I discovered that Slim Fast is lower in calories and the can is bigger! So, I started drinking my Slim Fast. I drink it daily and love it! Over the summer I was watching a talk show and the were rating the top ten diets and Slim Fast came in at number 3. I think Weight Watchers was one... Just my 2 cents... Love, Shay
Thanks, Shay!
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