You did figure it out, didn't you!!!
For everybody else, this is my Aunt Kathy. She's the best. After growing up with an Aunt Kathy, it makes me sad that my nieces and nephews don't know what it's like to have an aunt like that. I'm working on being a better aunt, but I'm not quite at an Aunt Kathy level.
Top Ten Memories of Aunt Kathy....(in no particular order)
1. She was always (and still does) taking pictures
2. She knew the words (and sang along with) every song on the radio.
3. She always let us (me and/or my cousins) spend the night with her anytime we wanted to.
4. She always came to my ballgames and band concerts
5. She NEVER, EVER missed my birthday (and still doesn't)
6. She always had a cat or kittens. The most memorable cat was a black and white cat that roamed her neighborhood named "Oreo".
7. She let us (me and/or my cousins) listen to her stereo/albums, full volume, and dance like crazy in her living room. We probably owe a little thanks (or perhaps apology) to Uncle Russell on that one.
8. She "tickled" our backs
9. She took us places (movies, Point Mallard, Six Flags)
10. She didn't forget about her nieces and nephews after she had that dumb ole baby Tiffany. (Just teasing Tiff...we all loved you and never called you a dumb ole baby!)
Everybody needs an Aunt Kathy! I'm one of the lucky ones!
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