Friday, December 31, 2010
a 'when harry met sally' new year's eve...sort of:)
Yes, I took a break from the wild party to come peck a few words out on the laptop.
Yes, I'm living every girl's dream...
... a dramatic New Year's Eve party wearing a fancy little black dress... know, like the party in When Harry Met Sally....
...with champagne, party hats, and party horns...
...with streamers and confetti falling from the sky...
...the big band playing "Auld Lang Syne" as you fall into the arms of the man of your dreams...
...kissing passionately as the clock strikes midnight.
Well, I sort of am:)
We almost had party horns and hats. I saw some today at WalMart, but I decided they weren't really worth worming and squirming my way through the crowd of 14-year-old partiers huddled around the selection at the store.
And about the confetti...
Well, confetti equals clutter, and clutter gives me anxiety. Let's not do the confetti thing for the sake of my sweet TT....when I have anxiety, I tend to take it out on his most patient and precious soul.
And speaking of TT....
He has a terrible, terrible toothache. He has been to the dentist and has to go back on Monday. For now he has to take antibiotics and put ice on his face to help the inflammation.
Soooo...a passionate kiss is probably out this year.
But I am spending New Year's Eve with the man I love.
And the baby I love.
No drama.
Peace and Quiet.
And I wouldn't have it
Now, finally, for the 'real when-harry-met-sally new year's eve'....
Just a snippet of the Taylor Party, and those who watch til the end gets a special surprise!
FB friends click HERE to view videos:)
Monday, December 27, 2010
rerun: on keeping it real:)
Eventually I found writing to be an excellent outlet for expression of the thoughts, feelings, ideas that I didn't necessarily have an ever-open ear to tell. The great part was that no one was forced to listen to the quirky stories or mundane details that were my life...anyone who read, read because he wanted to.
The greatest part of was my stage for keeping it real. I mean real. There are just some things I can't necessarily verbalize, but I can write. Sometimes it's sad and sappy, sometimes informative, and sometimes plain-ole-embarrassing. Through my blog, I've learned to just be who I am. I love keeping it real.
THIS RERUN is just of the posts where I kept it real, girls. I am who I am, and perhaps this is TMI. Fun stuff from the days at The Way Home...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
rerun: pondering my mother
I've had more mountain-top and deep-valley experiences in the last year than I can number, and this holiday season has completely followed suit. Oh how I wish my Mom was here now. Especially know my sweet husband, to play with my sweet new son, to answer my questions, to tell me how to overcome some obstacles that are causing me to stumble these days.
So the next in my series of "Read My Thoughts....the ReRuns": Pondering My Mother.
I really like that post. I hope you do too.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
rerun: the mouse wrestler:)

I've decided to post of some of my favorite posts, a series of reruns, if you don't mind:) I will begin with one of the most popular posts ever to surface on Read My Thoughts. If you are a "regular" around here, you've likely read/watched this post many times. If you are a newbie... well, you've just got to see THIS (click here to check it out "The Mouse Wrestler")
Hope you enjoy!!!!
eat your heart out, Martha...DAY 2:)
Friday, December 10, 2010
eat your heart out, martha:)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
our elf on a shelf...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
on my christmas baby....
MT held his little fists together and raised them up to his eyes only inches away. He wiggled his chubby little fingers then made fists again before his widening eyes. Down to his mouth went his hands....then up to his sparkling brown eyes...then back to his mouth. It was just beautiful, I tell ya!
Oh how I want to brand this sight into my memory! I want to hide these precious moments in my heart, for I know he's growing so fast and soon he will be using his hands for important things. Will he use them to pass a football someday? Will he play the piano? Will he be a great artist?
Will his hands someday be in chains?
For serving our country...?
For serving our Lord...?
This Christmas season has brought the mother of Christ, Mary, to mind.
I can relate to her a little bit...having a new baby. I don't know if she knew for sure what all was in store for her Son. Without a doubt, I'm positive she was in awe of his sweet little toes. Surely she kissed his little nose and "spanked" his cute little bottom.
She must have wondered what life had in store for Him. The angel had clearly told her, "you shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. And he will reign over the house of

Yes, I can relate to Mary this year....especially when she sang from her full and overflowing joyful heart...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
say whaaat?...scientists these days!
You know something profound or distinctly strange is about to follow whenever I begin a post with 'okay'.
Okay. THIS is weird. I mean I'm glad scientists have developed this new use for MRIs and all, and I'm sure there are many, many socially redeeming results waiting to be revealed. It's just that the image is a little weird to me.
That poor baby looks like Achmed the Dead Terrorist!

If you've never watched Achmed, check him out on Youtube. Funny stuff. Not kid-friendly, but funny stuff! Jeff Dunham is a talented ventriloquist!
oh so sad for my BamaSlammer...
My heart broke. Not because I was so close to Jim, but because I know what Shay will be facing in the coming days. Grief is hard. Grief during the holidays can seem unbearable.
I remember a particularly moving post that Shay, a.k.a. BamaSlammer, once wrote about her dad. BamaSlammer, a hard-working single mom of a toddler, hasn't done much blogging lately, but her posts are still out there. Check out THIS ONE.
I'm humbly reminded of those who may be having a Blue Christmas....praying for all of them.
Praying for you, BamaSlammer....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I can do anything Sandra can do...BETTER:)
I had to search my heart deep and wide.
Do I have what it takes to face the challenges that will surely come?
Do we, TT and I, have what it takes?
Is it fair to the child? I mean, really? What will it be to be an African-American boy being raised by two old white nerds? TT and I aren't getting any younger, you know.
I searched my heart, and found a resounding YES!!!!
Yes we do, through Christ who strengthens us, that is. But I have to admit, on a much more spiritual note (ehem), my buddy-ole-buddy-ole-pal Gequetta gave me the vote of confidence that settled it all. I distinctly remember the steamy July evening, sitting in my lawn chair along the side of Hwy 27 watching the Somerset Cruise-In (a whole nother post for a whole nother day!), texting back and forth with Gequetta, bouncing my thoughts off of my friend regarding the whole race-thing. Finally she can do anything Sandra Bullock can do.
You are so right, Quetta I thought! And that was that!
A funny thing happened today. Waiting in a most lengthy line at Wal-Mart, I realized my baby had been the subject of some ladies' attention when a Wal-Mart worker came up to me, joyfully declaring...
"We finally figured out who that baby looks like!"
"Who?" I couldn't wait to hear this....
"Sandra Bullock's baby, Louis!"
"Well, I will just go home and GOOGLE him for myself to see what he looks like!"
I did GOOGLE lil Louis....
You can decide for yourself...
Oh, and by the way....
About the whole race-thing...
I don't care if my baby grows up to be blue and red polka dotted! Yes, his race is different than mine, a fact that may create some challenges, but it's not better or worse. TT and I are not at all concerned with his race, but we are concerned with his character. We will do the best we can to teach our baby right from wrong, encourage him to appreciate his heritage, pray for the Lord's wisdom and help, and hope we handle the challenging times in a way that helps MT to grow up to be a man with impeccable character.
Isn't that what parents do...regardless of race.
Yeah, that's right!
Thanks, Quetta!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pray for Rain in Israel

Did you know that Israel is in its seventh year of drought? It seems that many Jewish Rabbis are proclaiming that the drought is a result of the many sins of the people (click HERE for example).
I was unable to determine if tomorrow is specifically set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for rain in Israel, but I know the people there are praying for rain. Some even traveled 1000 feet into the air in a balloon to pray (CHECK it OUT). I'm not sure if going up in a hot air balloon gets them closer to God, but I admire their faith and creativity!
I don't know why this radio news story touched me so much or why I can't get it out of my head. It just did. Perhaps this is God moving me....asking pray for rain for Israel.
The news story got me thinking about THIS STORY. Cool, right? You gotta read it for yourself!
The news story also brought to mind a cool, cool song. Now, Southern Gospel is not my favorite genre, and the singers in this video would probably cringe at their 1990 hair and wardrobe, but the message and harmony is pristine nonetheless! Give it a listen!
FB friends click HERE to view the video.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Time to Exhale....

Friday, June 4, 2010
Guest Writer: TT

As my upcoming wedding day quickly approaches, I have to reflect back to a summer day last August. I was 39 years old and it was about two weeks before my 40th birthday. I had just made a new Facebook friend named Theia Chaffin and she had just sent me a message on FB hoping that my CT scan of my abdomen would go well that day. I sent her a reply thanking her for her good wishes.
That seemingly innocent exchange would lead to a series of messages and a first date on the eve of my 40th Birthday. I had just finished two long days of student advising and was coming home to Muscle Shoals, Alabama to celebrate this milestone birthday with my family.However, this time I was stopping in Scottsboro, AL. to have lunch with a sweet princess at a Mexican restaurant called Buena Vista.

Two days later we met for our second date in Huntsville, AL. After a quick dinner, we went to Big Spring Park where Theia proceeded to step in a pile of duck poop. She got it all over her pair of “yellow box” flip flops. I had no idea what a pair of “yellow box” were before that night. Now I can recognize them anytime/anywhere I see a pair.
This started a series of dates that fall in which we’d get together on an every-two-week basis. Sometimes I was coming home to Alabama and sometimes we’d meet in Lenoir City, TN just to go eat and hang out for the day. Regardless of what we did, I was having the best time ever. Theia Ann was everything a man (at least this man) could ever want in a woman. Beautiful, smart, sweet and could even put up sheet rock if called upon to do it. Over this time we met each other’s families and that went well too.
One month later on February 5th, I took Theia out to Tumbleweeds restaurant for dinner at the Somerset Mall. After dinner, we strolled through the mall and stopped by Roger’s Jewelers to look at some engagement rings. After looking at a few rings that didn’t get her very excited, the clerks brought out “The Hannah.” Upon seeing this ring I heard an odd squeal that was high pitched, but not loud. You know the kind that is normally only heard by a dog. My girlfriend Theia was about to become my fiancé
After a quick stroll around the mall, we went back in to the jewelry store and I surprised Theia by saying to the clerk “what’s your best price on this ring?” After a little back and forth, I had my checkbook out and was soon to be engaged to the best woman in the whole wide America.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Random Update:)
Well, not exactly's just that I've just not had any major emotional epiphanies since I moved, and whenever I start to write a new post, it just seems sooooo boring! On the flip-side, as my relationship with sweet TT progressed to engagement (and now less than 2 months til marriage), I've had some very special revelations that I'm just not ready to reveal here! Perhaps you, dear reader, are thanking me for keeping those thoughts to myself:)
This "blog for today," to quote my good friend BamaSlammer who I miss soooo much, will be merely a random update on my new life in only slightly-organized blogging stream of consciousness of a woman making a conscious effort to resist the urge to become a BRIDEZILLA:)
First of all...yes, work is going good. It's been an adjustment to get back into the long-term-care-setting swing of things. It's still as dysfunctional as it was the first 9 years of my career. Not much changed during my 2 years away:) My caseload has been plentiful (which is good). For the first time in my career I am working side-by-side with another speech pathologist. I have usually been the only one in the facility, so this is a pleasant change for me. Kissten, the other SLP, is a very sweet girl, and I have learned a lot of things from her! I work with some really intelligent and sweet therapists...they have been quite welcoming. I'm having a more difficult time establishing good working relationships with the nursing floor staff for some reason....It'll get better...The floors in the facility are sooooo hard, and as a result, I'm having a terrible time with pain in my heel. UGH.
The Wedding. I've become and expert at internet shopping. I've had a lot of help from some girls back home. My dress isn't here yet...but it should be in early May. June 12, 2010 cannot get here fast enough! The reception should be yummy. The ceremony will be beautiful! I'm so happy. We're going home to Tuscumbia the first weekend in May for a Tool & Gadget Party hosted by TT's cousin Anita and a Bridal Shower from his home church, Mt. Moriah Baptist. I have a wonderful family, and now I am honored with the blessing of marrying into another fantastic family. I will be going home to DeKalb County the 3rd weekend in May for my GIRLFRIEND PARTY, hair-practice, and bridal pictures. Both TT and I will go to DeKalb County (and maybe to Tuscumbia too) the 4th weekend in May. It's about to get soooo busy!
I've discovered a few new favorite-things....sort-of like Oprah's list of favorite things, except I don't really care for Oprah and that my favorite things can usually be found at WalMart or Kroger.
#1: CoffeeMate Creamer in "Coconut Cream" step-mother Kathy turned me on to this one. It's DEEE-Lish! I can only find it at WalMart.
#2. Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers. Yum. Not your typical microwave meals. 6 Weight-Watcher points if you are counting. I've been counting since TT has been counting:)
#3. Jet-Dry for my dishwasher. My duplex has a high-fah-lootin dispenser for Jet-Dry. really makes a difference in how clean the dishes are!
#4. The BP station on Main Street in Stanford, KY where I work. They pump your gas and their prices aren't higher than the next fellow's. That's what I'm talking about!!!
I told you it was gonna be random this time....
Until next time!
The Non-Bridezilla:)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
stealing buttercups
I know...technically I was stealing buttercups. I'm sorry. Sue me.
Who once lived in the house and planted the four rows of buttercups? What was her story? Did she peer out from the bedroom window in the early mornings and admire the flower beds? Perhaps she, too, picked them in early spring to brighten her home. As I stared at the old house, I realized that she had planted those buttercup bulbs years ago and, whether knowingly or not, she planted something that had lasted for generations to enjoy. The bulbs not only lasted, but flourished and multiplied.
By the looks of the old house, it's been there on that land for generations and left empty and unattended for years and years. The live flowers, however, have by far outlasted the materials of the house.
I want to be that woman. Now more than ever as I prepare to begin a new life as a wife (and hopefully someday as a mother), I want to plant seeds that will last for generations. Perhaps there will be some literal flowerbeds planted, but I hope more importantly there will be lives affected positively, people who know real love, and more than even this...
Stealing buttercups, at least for today, was a good thing.
I must look for life's buttercups more often.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
...that's why i'm so goofy...

Thursday, February 4, 2010
On the Backside of 30 :0 Holy Moly!
Plus Six.
But I'm not sick about it! In fact, I would say that life
Now that I'm thirty-six (well, almost), I can see rude people for who they are now....rude...and understand that truly it's not my fault. I can encounter a Royal Grouch and remind myself that, truly, behind every inconsiderate deed there is a need.
Now that I'm thirty-six, I can usually remember whenever I'm having a bad day or some personal crisis that somewhere, somebody in the world is having a REAL emergency. You least I'm not searching for a kidnapped child or fighting cancer as some people are.
Now that I'm thirty-six, I can call my Dad, when I know that I've done the best I can do, and ask him for help. I'm not ashamed.
Now that I'm thirty-six, I can go to WalMart and buy the old-timey Oil of Olay. None of the fancy-schmancy-alpha-hydroxy-pro-vitamin-retinol-regerist-kind of Oil of Olay. Just Original Oil of Olay. I can wash my face and then slather it on my face and neck at bedtime. I just might smear it thickly on my arms, elbows, and hands too...merely because it smells sooo good.
In fact, it smells like my MaMa Chaffin's pillow. My cousins who are reading this post will distinctly remember the scent. How comforting! And by the way, the original Oil of Olay worked out just beautifully for MaMa Chaffin...she hardly had a wrinkle the day she died at 86 years young.
Yes, for now, thirty-six is comforting. Life is good for me now.
It's comforting to know ...
....that although I am in a new place, and I hardly know a soul....
....that even though my birthday makes me miss my Mother so much my heart literally aches inside my chest...
...that although I will likely never win American Idol or be America's Next Top Model...
...It's all going to be okay.
I'm so thankful for a fantastic family, an
The list could go on and on and on and on!
I can't fail to mention the most important Reason to be thankful...the Author and Finisher of it all, the Mighty Fountain from whom all these blessings flow, the One who gives and takes away, He who helps me accept the bitter with the sweet, the One who forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases...My Jesus, the One and Only.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Go RED this Friday!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Someone's Something's Been Walking in My Snow
I was pondering today about whether Kentucky is a Southern state or not. Given the fact that I have lived here for almost exactly one month and I have seen more snow than dry ground, I'm beginning to believe that Kentucky is NOT a Southern state.
The latest winter weather event began around 5:30 PM on Friday and lasted until about Noon Saturday. In the highest drifts, accumulations were knee-deep on me. I feel safe to say that Somerset, KY received at least 8 inches of snow!
I tried to build a snowman, but the snow was so dry and powdery that it just would not stick together. Yes, TT and I had a snow-fight. Yes, I won. Yes, I did make a little Snowcream, and no, I did not use the yellow snow that the neighborhood animals may have left for us!
Speaking of animals, I decided to go out to the backyard a little while ago, and I discovered the most strange tracks in the snow. I took some pics, but they are difficult to see in the photographs. They definitely were not human footprints. Does anybody have an educated guess as to what creature has been walking in my snow???
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Alabama doesn't have Trunk Monkeys...
Trunk Monkeys.
In Kentucky, if you purchase a Suburban, you get a Trunk Monkey. Suburbans aren't equipped with Trunk Monkeys in Alabama as I recall.
I want one.
When my lil Honda finally gives up, I'm getting a Trunk Monkey.
You can go to to see even more adorable Trunk Monkeys.
FB friends click HERE to watch video.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dear Brad Paisley
I came to your concert on Friday night. Oh my, what a great show you have! You sound as good in person as you do on the radio!
I had to travel about an hour to get there from my house, but that's ok- TT was driving! We were a little late so we didn't get to see the opening act...Justin Moore, whoever that is:) Boy O Boy was it raining cats and dogs. Furthermore, there was a detour in the highway and neither TT nor I knew where in the world we were going.
But anyway, back to the concert. The second act, Miranda Lambert, was ok. I would have rather you just skipped her and you have done the whole concert yourself.
Your video graphics and lights were FANTASTIC!
You are just so cute! I'm giggling like a 14 year old even as I type this.
I think I love you more today than I did yesterday, Brad.
I wanted to take my camera to your concert so that just in case you called me up on stage, or especially if you invited me backstage, I could ask someone to take our picture together. PLUS...I wanted to put the pictures on my blog for my friends and family to enjoy. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera because I was just soooooo excited about coming to the concert. Oh well...I probably would not have been able to take it in anyway. There were security guards checking for stuff...I even had to pull up the pants legs for him to camera has a good zoom, so the would have likely confiscated it.
I found this good video of the concert on youtube, so I guess my friends and family can watch it. It shows clips from the whole concert.
If you ever come through Somerset, KY, please call me. I will bake you a cheesecake or something.
Very Truly Yours,
FB friends click HERE to watch the video:)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ahhhh Yes! I've still got it after all these years!
It happened again today. Day 2 on my new job....I wheeled a grumpy little old man into the rehab gym only to be greeted by the dropped-jaw of the other Speech therapist. I love it! Yes! I do still have it after all these years!
As far as the new job far, so good. For my friends and family who have been asking, I'm working at a skilled nursing facility in Stanford, KY for THIS company.
It's raining here now, and it's supposed to rain through the weekend and all into next week.
It's bedtime for me now. I must get to work early tomorrow, because I need to be home a little early. In case you didn't know, TT and I are going to see Brad Paisley in concert tomorrow night! I'll do my best to get some good pictures...I hope it's not like the LAST CONCERT I attended where my camera was almost confiscated!!!
FB friends click HERE to see video!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
i tried something new...
I tried something new this weekend. I attempted my first ever homemade cheesecake. The real kind of cheesecake! Not a Jello No-Bake deal!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
end of the era....falling hard into the next:)
You learn to accept it. Go with it. Grab on tightly to the good and bad as it unfolds. If you are brave, you learn to love the suspense of the Great Epic which is your life, enjoying each unique era, and anticipating the future with hope.
I feel like the end of an era in my life-story is upon me.
All the snow has melted now. Almost all of my boxes are unpacked. I've even stocked my kitchen with most of the necessities. The electricity, water, and garbage companies have all received their deposits and the bills will come to my mailbox...with my name on them...oh what joy! I've already received my first bill. The Move to Kentucky is done.
These are the last couple of days before I begin the new era. Tuesday marks its beginning when I start a new job in a new place. I'm very hopeful that this will be a positive chapter in my life.
I'm also settling in to this new "Era of TT"....that's the whole reason I moved to Kentucky, right? To check this man out. To see what he's all about. To determine if he's really a
I discovered a little bit of his character last night.
My Sweet TT took me out to dinner (Mexican, it was very good). Afterwards I wanted to peruse through a store in the same strip-mall as the restaurant...he agreed without a word. Then I wanted to go to WalMart....again he agreed without as much as a sigh, huff, or puff. When we got back to my apartment, he grabbed the bags to bring them inside as I went ahead to unlock the front door.
After I got the door unlocked, I looked back just in time to see Sweet TT, with both hands full of WalMart bags, fall sideways, seemingly silently and in slow-motion, from the driveway into the yard. Not a even a grunt came from of his mouth. I stood there frozen with my mouth wide open for what felt like an eternity!
I knew that fall had to have hurt.
"Are you okay TT?" I finally uttered, my feet still glued to the front porch. By that time he was back on his feet, WalMart bags still in hand, on his way into the house.
He evidently was okay.
Then I lost it. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I tried to stop laughing, but I just couldn't. I mean, it was Obnoxious Laugh. I'm-afraid-i'm-gonna-wet-my-pants-laugh. "What hahahahahaahaha....What hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa Waaahhahahaahah.....What...Happened???" was the best I could get out of my mouth!
Poor Guy! He had escorted me around like Queen Ann all night, was bringing my bags into the house, fell while doing so, and all I could do was laugh! Laugh Hard!!!
Sweet TT just chuckled. He let me laugh. He even laughed a little.
Character....TT's got the good kind. I learned he doesn't take himself too, too seriously.
Yes, he's got character.
Me....not so much!
"I'm gonna let you put those groceries away by yourself," he said slyly.
The joke was on me I suppose....
I guess he had had enough...
Yes, the former Era has come to a close, and a new one has begun. Sounds like it's gonna be a fun one. I can't wait to see what's next...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
KY: Week One in Review
My landlord says it's not always this cold up here in Kentucky, but I'm not so sure. I have woken up to snow on 8 out of my first 9 days as a Kentucky resident! What a change from Alabama weather, right?
The night before my big move, my good friend Stephanie asked me if I needed a snow shovel....I said no, but I'm beginning to think that perhaps I do. Driving in the weather has not been an issue as the roads have been salted, but getting in and out of my driveway today was a challenge. I don't know how to manipulate the snow, but I just twisted and turned the wheel to get some traction as I gently eased up the sharp little hill at the end of my drive. Hopefully the snow is on its way out, and I won't have to practice my snowdriving skills much longer.
I moved into a little duplex here in Somerset. I had only seen cell-phone pictures of it before I actually moved in, so when I arrived I was a little anxious about what I would find. I had found the duplex on the internet, and after talking to the owner, Sweet T came over to check it out for me. He liked it alot, so I went with it! Sweet T did good... I could not be happier!
The duplex is very, very roomy with an open floor plan. 2 Bed/2Bath. Lots of closets and cabinets. It has a garage...which I love given the current weather conditions:) It is about a year old and looks as if no one has ever lived here. From what I understand, the resident of the other unit is a Psychiatrist who lives there part-time. I've never seen I don't know about him....Maybe it's Frasier Crane:)
I joined the YMCA this week. What awesome facilities! You can check it out HERE. It feels good to be back in an exercise routine. The real test will be when I start to work....
Speaking of the YMCA, yesterday I wore an Auburn t-shirt to work out. That really got the attention of some of the old pawpaws who were there working out, I tell ya! They had a lot of questions and comments about Auburn and Alabama and why I'm in Somerset and whether or not I will be a Kentucky fan except for when they play Auburn and on and on and on. It was soooo funny! Just hilarious!
....And when I say PawPaws at the YMCA, I mean PawPaws. Old men love me. I guess that's why I'm going back to work at the nursing home...sigh...
That's all I have to report for my first week in Kentucky.
Monday, January 4, 2010
blogging nap-time over:)
My first home-cooked meal of 2010....turkey breast tenderloin, pintos, blackeye peas, greens, candied jalapenos, and cornbread. Not too out of the ordinary for a New Years Day meal prepared by a girl raised in the South, right?
The thing is...I'm not in Alabama any more. That's right, Toto! I'm in southeast Kentucky!
What in the world? I've been here 6 days, and I still find myself sitting in the living room of my adorable apartment wondering what in the world is happening here!
On January 4th, 2009, I would have stood toe-to-toe with anyone who merely suggested that within a year I would have packed everything I owned up onto a Budget rental truck to migrate to Kentucky. KENTUCKY, I SAY!!!!
But here I am...
I've been on somewhat of a blogging nap lately. It's not that I've not had a lot activity swirling around in this brain of mine, it's just that either my thoughts weren't "" appropriate or my thoughts were too scattered to organize into coherent sentences.
Yes, I do love a good nap...even blogging naps are necessary at times. And yes, all good things must come to an end. I feel confident that this move to Kentucky will open up a whole new can of blogging worms.
To my sweet friends who have been asking about the "Read My Thoughts" blog...
...thank you....
...and stay tuned...